How to Improve Your Marketing with Google Analytics Data.

How to Improve Your Marketing with Google Analytics Data. 

Google Analytics is one of the most popular digital analytics software. It is Google's free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website. It provides valuable insights that can help you to shape the success strategy of your business.

Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin.

Do you have an amazing blog? Do you have a stunning website? If the answer is 'yes', then whether they are personal or business both need business analytics report. Google Analytics let you know about your website visitors, how many visitors converted into leads or customers, is there a need to improve website's speed, which blog content visitors like the most, etc...

Many Additional Questions can be answered by Google Analytics, I just wrote the most important questions that need to be known. Now, let's look at how you can get google analytics on your blog/website.

Have to set up Google Analytics Account:

First you need a primary google account that you use for other services like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google+, or YouTube, then you should set up your Google Analytics using that Google account. Or you will need to create a new one.

This Google account should be the permanent that you have access on to your google analytics. You can give access to others but it's better to keep it with yourself only.

1. Set up your account:

Once you have a Google account, you can go to Google Analytics and click the Sign up into Google Analytics button. You will then be greeted with the three steps you must take to set up Google Analytics.

1st step is sign up for Google analytics.

2nd step is add your tracking code.

3rd step is learn about your audience.

Sign up to google analytics:

You will get the following page, you have to fill up all the information needed.

(You can have up to 100 Google Analytics accounts under one Google account. You can have up to 50 website properties under one Google Analytics account. You can have up to 25 views under one website property.)

• If you have one website, you need to have only one google analytics account with one website property.

There are no right or wrong ways to set up your Google Analytics account—it's just a matter of how you want to organize your sites.

Note that you can't move a property (website) from one Google Analytics account to another—you would have to set up a new property under the new account to open your google analytics.

• You need to configure your google analytics account.

• You will get the tracking id button. You will get a popup of google analytics terms & conditions which you have to agree to, and then you'll get a Google Analytics code as shown below.

This must be installed on every page on your website. You must copy the code and paste it on your website. (if you have a WordPress on your own domain, you can use the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin to install your code easily no matter what theme or framework you are using)

(If you have a website/blog built with HTML files, you will add the tracking code before the </head> tag on each of your pages. You can do this by using a text editor program (such as TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows) and then uploading the file to your web host using an FTP program (such as FileZilla).

2. Create your Goal:

After you install your tracking code on your website, you will want to configure a small (but very useful) setting in your website's profile on Google Analytics. This is your Goals setting. You can find goals in your google analytics on the admin link at the top and then click on goals under your website's view column.

Goals will tell Google Analytics when something important has happened on your website. 

• In google analytics, you can click on "New Goal" button. Then click on custom and then click to "Next Step" button.

You then have to set up your goal, select it, as per your choice, (you can select destination) then click on "Next Step" button.

You will enter your thank you or confirmation page's URL after the .com of your website in the Destination field and change the drop-down to "Begins with".

You will then toggle the value and enter a specific dollar value for that conversion (if applicable) and click Create Goal to complete the setup.

If you have other similar goals / conversions you would like to track on your website, you can follow these steps again. You can create up to 20 goals on your website. Be sure that the ones you create are highly important to your business.

3. Set up Site Search:

First you have to look at your website/blog url properly.

Go to your Google Analytics Admin menu again, and in the View column, click on View Settings.

Scroll down until you see Site Settings and toggle it to On.

Look back at your URL for your search results. Enter the query parameter given on your site url (usually s or q) and click Save.

This will allow Google Analytics to track any searches made on your website so you can learn more about what your visitors are looking for on specific pages.

Note:- If you want to add a new Google Analytics account, you can do so by going to your Admin menu, clicking on the drop-down under the Account column, and clicking the Create New Account link. 

 if you want to add a new website under your Google Analytics account, you can do so by going to your Admin menu, clicking on the drop-down under the Property column, and clicking the Create New Property link.


You don't have to go for any separate google analytics, everything is done in one analytics only, just you have to create another account and start running. As I have already mentioned above that (You can have up to 100 Google Analytics accounts under one Google account. You can have up to 50 website properties under one Google Analytics account. You can have up to 25 views under one website property.)

You just have to wait for 24 hours after the completion of given steps and then you'll start getting your Analytics Report.


Once you start getting in Google Analytics data, you can start learning about your website traffic. Each time you log in to Google Analytics, you will be taken to your Audience Overview report first and then to other reports. You will also get to know your views on every article posted by you.

You can also access these reports by clicking on the Reporting link at the top.

• Share your google analytics reports with people working with you together in your company:

You have to schedule your e-mails. If you choose to send emails to someone inside outside of your organization, be sure to regularly check your emails by going to your Admin menu and clicking on the Scheduled Emails box under the View column to ensure only people working with your company are getting your data.

Note:- If you need your reports on the daily basis on your mail, use the email button to have them emailed to you (or others on your team) on a regular basis.

One of the biggest challenges faced by marketers today is capturing the attention of consumers before a moment passes.

Sometimes it means knowing when to act. Sometimes that means being faster: analyzing faster, planning faster, acting faster. Bain & Company, in partnership with Google, recently surveyed marketers around the world to see what the leaders were doing right – and what laggards were missing. While there were many nuances, the results showed leaders were connecting data in new ways, and connecting teams in new ways so they can take advantage of that data and act right on time.

In this guide we’ll look at that research, and at interviews with leading brands, to show how successful marketers do four things differently:

› Understand audiences on a deeper level by building a connected data strategy.

› Deliver faster, smarter marketing using automation and machine learning.

› Gain more visibility and control by bringing ad and analytics technology together.

› Share insights across teams and improve business outcomes.

What does it look like when insights and teamwork are put together in service of the timeliness consumers crave? Consider the case of adidas.

For adidas, creativity is both a brand message and an approach to marketing. Their team hypothesized that creating digital campaigns with sequential messaging might help move people from browsing to buying. Brand and ecommerce teams shared and analysed data to adjust their creative and calls to action to drive brand awareness (“Explore now”), product consideration (“Learn more”), and eventually, a purchase (“Shop now”).

This data-driven sequential approach led to a remarkable result. People who saw the performance-focused “Shop now” ads after the “Explore now” brand ads were 75X more likely to convert than those who saw only brand ads. That’s right: 75X. (Read the full story.)

The adidas team credits the discovery to a strong connection between brand and performance teams, together executing a full-funnel strategy. They used performance data and insights to better understand and react to consumer moments of need. And they used unified ads and analytics technology to execute and deliver assistance faster. 

To connect with consumers at the right moment, you need to build timeliness into your organization. It starts with step one: a connected data strategy.

PART 1: Understand your audience by connecting your data.

Fifty years ago, people’s buying patterns were mostly the same from one year to the next. Not today. Consumer behaviors change constantly now, so there are always new insights to learn and react to. That’s probably why Bain found that improved understanding of customers is the number one investment priority of marketers over the next three years. 

Globally, marketers rate it as a higher priority even than hiring new talent.

“It’s really important for us to use data and the digital space to understand what our consumers are listening to, what they’re looking at, what’s inspiring them,” says Kelly Olmstead, vice president of brand activation for North America at adidas. “More than ever before, data is driving the stories we tell, when we tell them, and how they resonate with our consumers.”

The path to better customer understanding starts with breaking down silos in your own teams and technologies. If your analytics team uses one set of technologies, and your marketing team uses another, you’re going to lose a lot of time climbing back and forth over that wall with buckets of numbers.


The Privacy Connection it’s no coincidence that today’s marketing leaders are focused on maintaining data privacy. Today’s consumers demand more transparency about how their information is used, and they reward brands who protect their privacy and can ensure full compliance in handling data. 

This kind of data privacy is built on respecting users and their information: 

Giving them choices, transparency and control. The result is a systematic shift in how the industry approaches the data ecosystem. 

Everyone can thrive when we hold ourselves to this kind of standard. All of these things ― 

transparency, privacy, security ― are easier with a unified data strategy. 

“It’s challenging for the digital ecosystem,” says Mark Read, joint head of the world’s biggest ad agency, WPP. “But if consumers feel confident that their data is being protected and they understand how it is being used and it’s done with permission, ultimately that should be a good thing for clients and for us.” 

PART 2: Deliver faster, smarter marketing by leaning on machines.

As data-driven as we may be, humans can’t tally and sift data as fast as machines. Leading marketers use integrated, intelligent technology to automate processes and speed up time to action. 

Machine learning is opening new doors here, as it has in so many other areas. With cloud-based technology and machine learning, an organization can integrate data better and faster — and learn more from it. 

Your team can more quickly surface ad trends and patterns from massive data sets, and routine day-to-day tasks can be automated. The Bain study shows that leaders are 1.2X more likely to be advanced users of technology than laggards.

Julie Rieger’s vision for Fox is a good example. In order to grow the business, she believed Fox needed to bridge the gap between movie marketing and ticket sales. The problem: Fox doesn’t own the ticket sales data that belongs to individual theaters nationwide. On top of this, many of Fox’s valuable touchpoints with potential customers come through paid media, as on YouTube. Like many businesses, Fox was disconnected from their customer. That’s why Fox began to build a customer database that consolidated all of its data sources for movie-goers. That’s 250 million people in the U.S. alone. 

To do it, Fox used Google Cloud to merge user-level campaign data from Google Marketing Platform and YouTube with other data sources ― like offline ticket sales ― into a single place. 

PART 3: Gain more control by bringing ads and analytics tech together.

Integration does more than help you connect with customers. 

When Bain asked for the top benefit of marketing and advertising technology integration, leaders replied that it was “control over investments and channels.”

To reach that new level of control, leading marketers and their agencies are working to bring ad technology and analytics together under one roof. 

In some cases, agencies are consolidating within the existing ecosystem so that they can offer the all-in-one data help their clients need. In other cases, brands are bringing their marketing data back in-house so they have greater visibility, plus more control to connect first-party data. Bain’s research shows that marketing leaders are 1.4X more likely than marketing laggards to manage their technology within their own marketing team today. And over the next three years, we expect that to rise to fully 2X more likely to manage their own technology within marketing

PART 4: Share insights across teams to affect business outcomes.

You can’t be a data-driven team if only a few people have access to insights. 

No surprise, then, that leading marketers provide greater access to insights across the organization. That helps everyone jump in and take faster, smarter action.

The Bain numbers show that leaders are 1.4X more likely than laggards to make budget decisions based on metrics. And they are 1.7X more likely to refresh data at least weekly.

Ask yourself a question: When was the last time your key dashboards and reports were refreshed with the latest information? If you know the answer to that off the top of your head, you’re probably on your way to being a leader.

In a time when consumers crave immediate assistance from brands... 

...the biggest challenge marketers face is capturing the attention of demanding consumers. 

The opportunity is clear: Connect more directly with impatient customers at their moments of interest and action. The challenge? If you don’t speak to their needs, they’ll go straight to the rival that is ready to help at that moment. 

Bain’s research shows that the timeliest marketers, the ones who are helping grow their businesses, are managing their data and their teams with the four traits we’ve discussed in this guide. And, they accept that today’s customer journey will change tomorrow. 

Speed will continue to be the key to success, but technology will help you deliver.


Personalize your Google Ads campaigns.

Delivering a more personal site experience for your users will put you on the path toward a better return on ad spend. Optimize natively integrates with Google Ads to help you create custom landing pages for the customers who reach your website from Google Ads. Getting started with personalized campaigns is simple: 

> Link Optimize to Google Ads.

> Create customized versions of your site based on your Google Ads campaign, ad group, or keyword.

> Launch multiple different versions of your site as an experiment to see which version drives more conversions.

> Optimize will calculate which page performs best for your customers.

Your customers expect a site experience that is fast, mobile-friendly, and suited to their needs. Optimize helps you deliver, giving you and your team the ability to create an experience that is seamless and relevant. And with Optimize integrated with Google Analytics and Google Ads, it’s easier than ever to build customized user journeys. 


I have covered a lot of content in this blog, from creating your google analytics account to customer research, to gain customer attention, Google ads campaign, etc. But in short, Google Analytics provides with valuable insights that can be used to improve the performance of your website/ blog. You can improve your performance with various reports provided by the Google Analytics such as Audience Report, Behaviour Report, Content Report, E-commerce Reports, Forms Reports, Search Console Reports, Customs Dimensions Reports, and many more.

Thank You.

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